Monday, July 13, 2009

HOPE by Doctor Zest

NOTE to READERS: I write on the human condition as I see it. I am different now. I have had MANY experiences that are exciting to talk about but they were all a result of restlessness. Now I am at rest. I see what is more interesting is looking at our interactivity with the world - our reality - and finding a way to live better. Thanks for reading!


All is lost. Run for your lives. The pestilence is upon us. "Wait, STOP!," says Herb to the crowd, "There IS a way for us to get out of this." Everyone calms down. Really, Herb?? Tell us.

What just happened? And it is not an unusual moment in human existence. Things are going to hell, and someone steps forward and says, I have a dream. Yes we can. I want a donut. (urr, forget that one) There IS a way.

Hope. All looked lost and someone has said there is this narrow little escape route. We perk up. Really, Herb??? Tell us of the secret path that right now only YOU know about. Tell us tell us tell us tell us--pleez pleez pleez pleez, Herb, tell us, pleez.

Herb says, "I was only kidding!" and the mob kills him.

Herb says, "I have learned of this escape path, and it is narrow and tough but you can do it! I will show you the Way." and we are all ears. (That's a picture.)

God Bless, Herb, he may even believe his own delusion. So, we like Herb, for a while. Until he can't find the Way, like he would have if we were in a movie.

I am here to tell you: There is no Way. None at all. Before you kill the blasphemer, let me say one more thing: There is no Way, and no Way is needed. Now kill me. Oh, wait, don't kill him yet. He said "no way is needed" so maybe there is hope after all. Let's listen, we can always kill 'em later.

Anyone that disappoints us we want to kill in some way. Smack 'em around. Hurt them. They "let us down" mothersonofhell! Well, the only reason you look for Herbs is because you think you need a Way. If there is no needed Way, there is no reason for Herb or Herbalikes (Herbal Ikes ;-).

What in the hell is Doctor Zest talking about????

[We all need to meditate more.] The Way our society provides direction has bound us for disappointment, even tragedy. We are misled to think that happiness and the pinnacle of success is wealth and popularity. [Now, I know, you are saying: "All this coming from a guy living in a penthouse overlooking the Gulf of Mexico---yeah, right, give up on the American Dream."] Yes, I am a happy person, but not because I live here overlooking that. It is only after arriving here that I actually realize that happiness is not a secret held by a select few: the wealthy and the popular. No, far from it.

Happiness is accepting what is so. Our society teaches us to aspire for something - always something - so we can then be wealthy and popular. I cannot tell you how many unhappy wealthy and popular people I have known. Quite a few. The point is, our "society" (meaning the general way of life that we assume is correct) has set us up to aspire for something other than THIS (Right Here, Right Now), promising us wealth and popularity if we can just manage to get it. All that drive does is drift us further from the truth. Happiness is right here! Closer than your breath.

Happiness is accepting what is so. If you move up a notch to 'Affirming what is so', then you have arrived at bliss (Happiness +). Read the book, Vivation: The Skill of Happiness, by my very good friend, now deceased, Jim Leonard. It is the only book you will ever need to be happy. No matter if you be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Mennonite, it applies to you. Male, female, child, President of these United States, you, me, it applies to as well. I don't know where you can get it.

Then, meditate more.

A good day is at hand,

Your friend with a flashlight that you don't really need,


If you are going to insist on solving one problem after another, then read my book, PRIMARY DOMINO THINKING. I do know where you can get that!

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