Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No such thing as Ordinary Day!

NOTE to READERS: You may wish to "start at the end" - in other words with the first blog way down the list. The blogs have information that "builds" from simpler to more complex in many cases, so the top one is the latest one. Make sense? Thanks for reading!

Today is an ordinary day. Can't be. It may seem like it, but it cannot be true. It is like saying "almost round" - can't be. Something is either round or not round. You cannot be "almost pregnant" either. Or "near fatal" as in Channel 3's report: "There was a near fatal accident on Council Street this evening???" Hey, it is either fatal or not.

"Ordinary day" can't be. Each day is different. No two alike - ever. Each one unique. The interesting question is, "Why is this phrase so prevalent when it is so not based on the truth?" Because it is based on a "feeling" not on facts. The feeling that this day is the same as the last. Boring. Very boring. Extremely boring.

What is that feeling based on? And who are we going to blame if we are bored with our lives? There is only one person who is noticing that I am bored. Only one who can define how bored I truly am. My grandfather used to say, "If you find yourself sitting in a pile of shit, guess who pulled it in???"

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